Baby Stroller Workout

As I go about learning how to manage my new life as a mom, I try to come up with ways that I can still manage to stay active like my doctor recommends. Incorporating fitness is a must so I can feel healthy and strong mentally and physically for my baby.

Therefore I am constantly trying to come up with ideas of how I can stay active but being as close to my baby as possible to not miss a thing ! Because today, on our way back from my workout and her nap, she said, “MAMA” !! I am almost sure it was just a super sweet mistake because she didn’t say it again ! Lol But it melted my heart of course 😍

So, I love taking advantage of nice weather to do outdoor workouts. I have a jogging stroller, CHICCO Key Fit Jogger, and it has been amazing so far. It minimizases impact creating a smoother ride for my baby. So smooth, that she falls asleep on my jogs ! So, now I wait till it gets close to her naptime, nurse her, and head out. Works like a charm! A few minutes into my jog, she falls asleep !

I go about a half hour jog and then I try to keep the stroller moving so she doesn’t wake up. So, I have made up a strength training workout with my own body weight and using the stroller so my baby can continue to take her nap. In the video I show you which ones are my favorite to do.

Maintaining an active lifestyle is key for your health. It’s when I feel my best! I am a former fitness instructor and that previous knowledge helps me remember good form and good technique while I do these workouts to prevent any injuries. But be sure to always consult with your doctor before you start a new exercise regime. Feel free to ask me any questions as well.

Thank you for “tuning in” to my blog !

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